As I get going on this drippy, foggy Sunday I am sitting here with my steaming cup of coffee thinking "where do I start?". It's Sunday, the proverbial day of rest, so why does my "to do" list include; write a press release for Women Painters of Washington, write up a job description for the Publicity Chairperson position I am vacating in a few months, update my website with new information, send out a press release about my inclusion in the newly released
Best of America Oil Artists, Volume II, clean my house, go to the store to get food for the Super Bowl Party this afternoon, attend my daughters 2nd basketball game this weekend at 4:30pm (a fatuous planning mistake as it occurs right after kick off!), wash the ski clothes that have been piled in the garage since our outing on Friday and, last but not least, PAINT!...all this and I am missing my son's basketball game right now!
I am much more productive when I am busy but sometimes I feel like things are out of control. That's when I need to step back and keep repeating my mantra, stay FOCUSED! If I can prioritize my day and break it down into smaller, manageable parts I can accomplish everything that I set out to do.
So, prioritize your day, whatever that may include, try to stay focused and don't sweat the small stuff!