Where has summer gone? As I work on this final update of summer I find it impossible to believe that September is right around the corner. I feel like I've been extremely busy this summer but what have I done?!
One of my summer highlights was being invited by the beautiful Dana Gallery (www.danagallery.com) in Missoula, Mt to participate in their 8th Annual Paint Out. In July I joined 16 artists from around the country for a week of intense painting, good food and friendship. I also mixed it up a bit by painting only in acrylics (a medium that I am continuing to learn), a true challenge in the hot, dry Montana heat! Friends of the gallery opened their homes, ranches and barns to us and the support from the different communities around the area was unbelievable! I can't wait for next year!
Looking ahead at fall I have some exciting events on the calendar:
2010-Paint the Parks
This week I have packaged three paintings to ship to Kansas for the prestigious "2010-Paint the Parks" Exhibition. Paint the Parks is America's leading competition designed to illustrate the beauty and significance of America's national parks. Paintings depict the diverse treasures-both natural and cultural-that are preserved and protected by the National Park Service nationwide. Entries are juried by a panel of nationally recognized arts professionals and the top 100 paintings and top 50 selected small works will tour the country through February 2012. My painting titled, "Olympic National Park Sky" will be touring with the top 100 and my paintings titled, "Trailside-Zion National Park" and "Winter Retreat" will be traveling with the Paint the Parks Mini50! I am honored to be included in this exhibition.
"Olympic National Park Sky" is shown above
Exhibition Schedule:
October 1, 2010 to January 9, 2011
Old Courthouse Gallery
St. Louis, MO
April 15, 2011 to June 15, 2011
Kolb Studio
Grand Canyon, AZ
July 1, 2011 to October 1, 2011
Courthouse Galleries
Portsmouth, VA
November 19, 2011 to February 19, 2012
Longmont Museum and Cultural Center
Longmont, CO
Please visit www.paintamerica.org for a complete listing of participating artists and paintings!
Looking ahead at select fall exhibitions that I will be participating in:
October 2010: Group Show @ Artique, Ltd, Anchorage
November 2010: Small Works Invitational @ Howard Mandville, Kirkland, WA
November 2010: Invitational Small Works Show @ Planet Bronze, Bozeman, MT
December 2010: Christmas Group Show @ Dana Gallery, Missoula, MT
October 22 and 23, 2010
Whidbey Island Fine Art Studio
I'd better get to work!!! Thanks for viewing my blog and, as always, I welcome your comments!