I love being an artist, I love the creativity, the flexible hours, the peace I feel when I am creating but there are times when I desperately miss the camaraderie and the ability to dialogue with my peers. Many artists have formed painting groups and these are wonderful, whether it be weekly studio sessions or a group to go out and paint plein air with. But for many artists those options aren't available and we can find that those same attributes that we enjoy about our profession, the solitude and seclusion, can also be a curse!
I wanted to share a few resources that keep me "connected". I look forward to the arrival of these articles and letters in my in-box and always find them informative and thought provoking. The first is the "Fine Art Views Daily Newsletter" (www.fineartviews.com). Clint Watson knows the art world and I find his art marketing wisdom and those of his guest writers always spot on. The second resource comes from art biz coach and marketing guru Alyson Stanfield (www.artbizcoach.com). Alyson has a handle on this business of being an artist, from blogging to organizing your studio & life to how to write a stand out artist statement, I find her classes and information invaluable! Last but not least is Robert Genn's Twice Weekly Letter (www.painterskeys.com). Robert's insights and discussions about the trials and tribulations of being an artist always seem to resonate with my experiences.
These are just three of the resources that I use on a weekly and daily basis to keep me up to date and keep my head in the game. We are not alone in our endeavor to create great art and these help me to stay focused and on track!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Thanks!